Hiya! Hmm.. The one that I'll be posting today happened ages ago. Ok, that was last
Wednesday! Aheheheh...
At that day, I was invited to promote the
Teacher Education Program at
Holy Cross High School, Camp Phillips, Bukidnon. That particular Wednesday was supposed to be our
program meeting but since I'm going so I was excused. I was particularly full through out that day. Coz I had my
lunch at 10:00 am something then our teacher treated us to lunch so that we'll not get hungry along the way. So, I ate
halo-halo while the others ordered for lunch. Hmmm.. The halo-halo was not that
yummy compared to the buko halo of my other fave resto. *sigh* Better have it than nothing. I'm so
ungrateful! Nyahahah!
Upon going there, it was a brand new experience for me coz I never get to travel always even though Camp Phillips is just a 45 minute ride from the city. Aheheheheh.. Anyways, I was able to see and savor the
beauty of the country side. Grrrr..
I wasn't able to take any photos! Huhuhuhuh... No digicam! Ok, moving on.. We've passed a lot of planted
pineapples (main product coz the
Del Monte company is base there),
bananas and among others. Passing by that road made me realize the
natural beauty of the place! It was really amazing for me.
When we entered Camp Phillips, it was really
beautiful. The houses are all painted since the company's employees lived there, the place was very clean and cold! Yeah, it was like Baguio or something.. Nyahahahaha.. When our company arrived at the school I was starting to get nervous coz there are a lot of
Seniors who would listen to us promoting our school. Speaking of which the school was kinda
old but the auditorium was really
modern with sensitive sound system!
I can even hear my own breath while talking! Hihihihihih.. As usual the fave courses during the promotion was
Nursing and HRM. But it's alright with me as long as those students will follow their own
strengths and
interests in life then its fine with me. Coz as for me I'm deeply
grateful and
contented with my course.. Ahehehehe.. Char!
Before leaving we bought
'pasalubong'. As for me I bought a
CHANTILY bars. It was really
delicious! Funny part was I borrowed money coz mine was not enough! Nyahahahah! All of it lasted for
a day! Nyahahah
Traveling back to the city made me realize how nice it is to have a vacation house wherein u get to
relax and
rejuvenate. *sigh* That would be
HEAVEN! =^.^=
The whole ride was really tiring!
*faints* But I've also realized that aside from living in Bukidnon I still stand true with the saying,
"Home is truly where the heart is". So, I'm
forever loyal to where I'm currently residing right now! Nyahahah!
Alright, that's all...